Grow & Optimize Your Mobile App

Get a full app audit/review.
ASO strategy, monetization, conversion, reviews & more.
100% Money Back Guarantee if you don't grow your revenue/downloads/rankings


What is an audit?

We'll download and go through your app and give you a full report.


Get a full in depth report on your apps current state and how to grow your app.
ASO, competition, strategy.


You'll get a actionable plan on how to grow your mobile app stats. Downloads, revenue, retention.


Implement the changes from the audit. Track growth and update


How does it work

1. You book an audit
2. Fill out intake form (your app link, questions)
3. Get your app audit
4. Implement changes
5. Track + See results


How can an audit help you

An audit will help your app potentially:

1. Increase Revenue (MRR or Total)
2. Increase Downloads
3. Increase Keyword Rankings
4. Improve App Store Optimzation (ASO)
5. Increase paid user conversion rate
6. Boost Review Count
7. Find Potential bugs
8. See App Potential
9. Get actionable steps to grow outside of ASO
10. Give you ideas on how to improve retention

Testimonial/Case Studies

Helped grow monthly revenue for Lifestyle App $10k+

Helped grow monthly revenue for client from 2k MRR to 8k MRR

Helped twitter user grow his revenue

Helped apps rank for high traffic ASO keywords

Helped grow an apps revenue by 112%! (Mobile Game)

Helped an apps campaign reach top 20 in the entertainment category


About Me

Yes, I am a real person.

My name is Peter

Hey!I've been building apps since 2014. Amassing millions of downloads for myself and my clients.Along the way I noticed A LOT of app founders/companies created awesome apps, but struggled to increase 2 important things:1. A way to get more downloads
2. A way to get more revenue
Most apps don't fail because the apps suck, they usually fail because founders don't understand how the app store works, how to optimize ASO, funnels, and how to test monetization strategies.99% of apps are losing out on so much potential revenue/downloads.Don't let your app be one of them!


Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to audit my app

I'm very thorough with app audits.I look up everything: The top players in your industry, what kind of ads your competitors run, how your type of app grows, how your ASO is doing, reviews, in-app purchase strategy, noticeable bugs, etc.I can usually get an audit done within 72 hours.However, if the app is complex (social logins, deep games), it might take a couple days longer.Will keep you updated every step of the way.

How long does it take to see results?

It all depends on Apple/Googles App Store review times. (Ugh, I know).But if everything goes smoothly, changes are deployed, you should see results in 14 days or less.
I also like to measure progress from month to month.Try to view data from a 30 day net period.

Will my conversions actually increase?

Yes, something will increase.I mainly focus on 2 main metrics.Increasing Revenue
Increasing Downloads
Everything done will be to help increase those 2 metrics.

Why are you obsessed with Mobile App growth?

Started making apps in 2014. This is all I know.I live and breathe apps. If technology crashed and apple/Google went bankrupt and everyone stopped using phones, I'd probably have to learn something new

Apps have always fascinated me. You have a potential to be on a phone screen in front of MILLIONS of users.A simple 1% increase in conversions can be THOUSANDS of 2014, I made a game, it got viral, made $5k in one day.
Once I saw the scale potential of apps, I became addicted.

Can MY app grow?

Most of the apps we help grow are already at least making $5-10k a month in revenue.$5k a month is a good indicator of market fit.However, we have taken apps from $0 to $10k+ in revenueIf you are worried your app can't grow, email me and I'll let you know if we can help.Our aim is to help apps get to the $100k+ a month range!

How much does it cost?

$6k One Time.(Big time ASO/App agencies will charge $30k+ a MONTH to help grow your app)If I don't get you MORE than $6k in extra revenue, or increased downloads/keyword rankings, I'll give you your money back.Most clients I've worked with have doubled their revenue (and more) working with me! I've had clients get to $100k+ a month in revenue.I plan on increasing the price of this service over time, I go all in with my audits!

My app isn't live yet. Can you still audit it?

Yes, this is arguably the best time to get an audit.When you first launch, you get a 3-5 day artificial push by the app stores.
(They want to see if your app is relevant for keywords)
The first week is super critical in launching your app.
You want your ASO to be good as humanly possible.
After a book, send me an APK or Testflight build and let me audit/review your app from there.

Can you just do all the things for me?

Yes, I can be a growth partner and just get onto your app store accounts and do everything for you.However, I don't hard code java/iOS swift anymore.I can still talk to your developers and tell them what needs to be done.
Email Me me for more details.

What kind of apps can you grow?

I can help grow any app in any category but my specialty are apps that have an in-app currency model (Games) or an in-app subscription model.I've done-Games
-NFT stuff lol
-Ai apps
-Photo apps

Is my audit private?

Yes! You'll be sent a private link to view and download your audit.
It won't be shared elsewhere.
I also will not use your app as case study without your consent.
(I get it, you don't want more competition)

I can't afford this, can you still help me?

We have a service that outlines everything you need to get your app to $5k monthly.
Please DM me on twitter for more info

Made with in Southern California.
Don't move here its crowded

A Company

Ready to grow?
Get App Audit